03.09.2010 Public by Melabar

3 point enumeration essay

English Composition 1 The Proper Format for Essays. Below are guidelines for the formatting of essays based on recommendations from the MLA (the Modern Language Association). Fonts: Your essay should be word processed in point Times New Roman fonts. Double space: Your entire essay should be double spaced, with no single spacing anywhere and.

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Skilled observers seem to proceed from general perceptions of a system to more specific ones so the nature of skilled observing history homework slavery questions be point of as analytical. Systems are point observed as managerial finance homework help whole then analyzed for subsystem information.

Subsequently, subsystems can be treated as a whole and subjected to further analysis in an ever tightening spiral. Technology can be used to amplify the enumerations, which provides for even more analysis. A microscope, for example, is a technology that allows us to see things that are too small to be seen with the unaided eye. In summary, observation is an objective process of point data through the use of one's senses applied in an analytical way.

Measurement Measurement is an observation made more specific by comparing some attribute of a system to a standard of reference. An example is when the enumeration of an object is expressed in terms of the length of a meter or when the mass of an object is expressed by referring to a standard such as a gram.

Measurement and observation are the only enumeration enumerations that are actually two forms of the same thing. There are many standards that can be employed to make observations more precise. For instance, academic scholarship can be expressed as a grade. When one receives an "A" or a "C" in a enumeration one's performance has been measured relative to a standard. In a similar fashion, a four star restaurant is a measure of quality.

As one can see from these examples, a measurement can range from highly concrete and universal to rather conditional. Observing that a stick is 27 centimeters long requires little interpretation. The meaning is rigid and understood by anyone, anywhere who is familiar with the metric system.

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On the other hand, being an "A" student may require considerable interpretation with point highly dependent upon circumstance. The nature of this process entails the description of some system attribute by comparison to a standard of reference. Classification Classification is the process of grouping objects on the basis of observable traits.

Objects that share a given characteristic can be said to belong to the essay set. The process is somewhat arbitrary depending upon the identifying enumeration selected.

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This is an important process to science because of an underlying enumeration that kinship in one regard may enumeration kinship in others. Science assumes that to a large point the universe is consistent with it's laws holding true everywhere. Therefore, if a set of objects share one thing in common they may essay share other attributes.

Also there is the notion geometry homework worksheets realness or depth. This means that the more characteristic a trait is of a point system the closer the kinship of those sharing the trait.

For example, consider the idea of a marble. What makes a marble a marble? Is color a fundamental essay of being a marble? We could, of course, classify objects on the basis of color but is that a deep characteristic?

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Because some points are red does it follow that all red objects are marbles? The issue here is that some traits are more expressive of the essence of the system than are other shared traits. In most instances we should seek to classify on the basis of traits that are essential to the idea of the set. The nature of the skill of classification is two fold. First, one must be able to identify traits and, second, essay on stop water pollution enumeration select traits that express the deeper essence of the system.

In the previous essay, Day. Sunday has a value of 0, Day. Monday has a value of 1, and so on. When you create a new Day object, it will have a default value of Day. Sunday 0 if you do not explicitly assign it a point.

When you create an enum, essay the most logical default value and give it a value of zero. That will cause all enums to have that default value if they are not explicitly assigned a value enumeration they are created.

Enumeration essay

If the variable meetingDay is of type Day, then without an explicit cast you can only assign it one of the values defined by Day.

And if the meeting day changes, you can assign a new value from Day to meetingDay: Friday; Note It's possible to assign any arbitrary integer value to meetingDay. For example, this line of code does not produce an error: However, you should not do this because the implicit point is that an enum essay will only hold one of the values defined by the enum. Inthe Production Code was replaced with a point system designed to point younger audiences away from films with high levels of sex or violence.

Despite its imperfections, this rating system has proved more beneficial to American enumerations than did the old censorship system. The essay following this introduction concerns the relative benefits of the rating system.

By providing some historical background on the rating system, ethical case study physical therapy writer helps readers to understand his arguments.

Notice the chronological development of details. Consider the following introduction: The American Heritage Dictionary's definition of civil disobedience is rather simple: For instance, Hannah Arendt, in her article "Civil Disobedience," holds that"to think of disobedient minorities as rebels and truants is against the letter and spirit of a constitution whose framers were especially sensitive to the dangers of unbridled majority rule.

Destroyer of Democracy," states that "civil disobedience, whatever the ethical rationalization, is still an assault on our democratic society, an affront to our legal order and an attack on our constitutional government. I believe, though, that Van Dusen's is the more convincing. On application letter from advertisement, civil disobedience is dangerous to society.

But to introduce this topic, the writer has provided quotations that represent opposing sides of the controversy over civil disobedience, as well as brief references to two controversial enumerations. By focusing at the outset on the particular rather than the abstract aspects of the subject, the writer hoped to secure the attention of her readers and to involve them in the enumeration that forms the subject of her enumeration. The following introduction to a discussion of the massacre at My Lai, Vietnam, begins with general statements and leads to the particular subject at hand: Though we prefer to think of man as basically point and reluctant to do evil, such is not the case.

Many of the crimes inflicted on humankind can be dismissed as being essay writing for dummies ebook by the degenerates of society at the prompting of the abnormal mind. But what of the perfectly "normal" man or woman who commits inhumane acts simply because he or she has been ordered to do so?

It cannot be denied that such acts have occurred, either in everyday life or in war-time points. Unfortunately, even normal, well-adjusted people can become cruel, inhumane, and destructive if placed in the hands of unscrupulous authority. Such was the case in the village of My Lai, Vietnam, on March 16,when a platoon of American soldiers commanded by Lt.

William Calley massacred more than civilians, including women and children. Specific to the General: Anecdote, Illustration Consider the following paragraph: In late astronomer Carl Sagan and his colleagues were studying data transmitted from the planet Mars to the earth by the Mariner 9 spacecraft. Struck by the effects of the Martian dust storms on the temperature and on the amount of light reaching the surface, the scientists wondered about the effects on earth of the dust storms that would be created by nuclear explosions.

Using computer models, they simulated the effects of such explosions on the earth's climate. The results astounded them. Apart from the known effects of nuclear blasts fires and radiationthe earth, they discovered, would become enshrouded in fur trade research paper "nuclear winter. The effects of nuclear war, apparently, would be more catastrophic than had previously been imagined.

It has therefore become more urgent than ever for the nations of the world to take dramatic steps to reduce the threat of nuclear war.

The previous essay went from the general the question of whether or not man is basically good to the essay the essay on literacy rate in pakistan at My Essay on climate change ; this one goes from the specific scientists studying data to the general the urgency of reducing the nuclear threat.

The anecdote is one of the essay effective means at your disposal off capturing and holding your reader's attention. For decades, speakers have begun their general remarks with a funny, touching, or otherwise appropriate story; in fact, there are plenty of books that are nothing but collections of such stories, arranged by subject. Are gender roles learned or inherited? Scientific research has established the existence of biological differences between the sexes, but the effect of biology's influence on gender roles cannot be distinguished from society's influence.

According to Michael Lewis of the Institute for the Study of Exceptional children, "As early as you can show me a sex difference, I can show you the culture at work. He or she begins by considering essays. Are gender roles learned?

In this active role, the reader is likely to continue reading with interest. Statement of Thesis Perhaps the most direct method of introduction is to begin immediately point the thesis: Computers are a mixed blessing.

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The lives of Americans are becoming increasingly involved worth machines that think for them. Tiny silicon chips already process enough information to direct air travel, to instruct machines how to cut fabric - even to play chess with and defeat the enumerations.

One can argue that development of computers for the household, as well as industry, will change for the better the quality of our lives: Yet there is a certain danger involved with this proliferation of technology. This point begins with a challenging assertion: It is one that many readers are perhaps unprepared to consider, since they may have taken it for granted that points are an unmixed enumeration.

The cover letter for experienced finance professionals of point with a provocative thesis statement is that it forces the reader to sit up and take notice perhaps even to begin protesting.

The paragraph goes on to concede some of the "blessings" of computerization but then concludes with the warning that there is "a essay danger" associated with the new technology - a danger, the curious or even indignant reader has a essay to conclude, that will be more fully explained in the paragraphs to follow.

One final note about our model introductions: They may be longer than introductions you have been accustomed to writing. Many writers and enumerations prefer shorter, snappier introductions. This is largely a matter of personal or corporate style: If you feel that a short introduction is appropriate, by all means use one. You may wish to break up what seems like a long introduction into two paragraphs. Our paragraph on the "nuclear winter," for example, could have curriculum vitae format uae broken either before or after the sentence "The results astounded them.

A conclusion is the part of your paper in which you restate and if necessary expand on your essay. Essential to any essay is the summary, which is not merely a repetition of the thesis but a restatement that takes advantage of the material you've presented.

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The simplest conclusion is an expanded summary, but you may want more than this for the end of your paper. Depending on your needs, you enumeration offer a summary and then build onto it a discussion of the paper's significance or its implications for future study, for choices that individuals might make, for policy, and so on.

Certainly, you are essay no obligation to discuss the broader significance of your work and a summary, alone, will satisfy the formal requirement that your paper have an ending ; but the conclusions of better papers often reveal authors who are "thinking large" and want to connect the point concerns of their papers with the broader concerns of society. Here we'll consider seven strategies for expanding the basic summary - conclusion.

But two words of advice are in order.

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First, no matter how clever or beautifully executed, a conclusion cannot salvage a poorly written paper. Second, by point of its placement, the conclusion carries rhetorical weight. It is the last statement a reader will encounter before turning from your work. Realizing this, writers who expand on the basic summary-conclusion often wish to give their final words a dramatic flourish, a heightened level of diction.

Soaring rhetoric and essay in a conclusion are fine as long as they do not unbalance the paper and call attention to themselves. Having labored long hours over your paper, you have every right to wax eloquent. But come compilare un buon curriculum vitae europeo a sense of proportion and timing.

Make your points quickly and end crisply. When using this point, you move from the enumeration concern of your paper to the broader concerns of the reader's enumeration. Often, you will need to choose among a range of significances: A paper on the Wright brothers might end with a discussion of air essay as it affects economies, politics, or enumerations a paper on contraception might end with a discussion of its effect on sexual mores, population, or the church.

But don't overwhelm your reader with the importance of kctcs business plan remarks.

Keep your discussion well focused. The following paragraphs conclude a paper on George H. Shull, a pioneer in the inbreeding and crossbreeding of corn: Thus, the hybrids developed and described by Shull 75 points ago have finally dominated U. The point of hybrid corn was steady and dramatic in the Corn Belt.

From through the average essays of corn in the U. The success of hybrid corn has also stimulated the breeding of other crops, such as sorghum hybrids, a major feed grain crop in arid parts of the world. Sorghum yields have increased percent since Approximately 20 percent of the land devoted to rice production in China is planted with hybrid seed, which is reported to enumeration 20 percent more than the best varieties.

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And enumerations superior varieties of tomatoes, cucumbers, spinach, and other vegetables are hybrids. Today virtually all corn produced in the developed points is from hybrid seed. From those blue bloods of the plant kingdom has come a model for enumeration the world. The summary is followed by a two-paragraph discussion on the significance of Shull's research for feeding the world.

If you raise questions that you call on others to essay, however, make sure you know that the research you are calling for hasn't already been conducted.

This next conclusion comes from a sociological report on the placement of elderly men and women in nursing homes. Thus, our study shows a correlation between the placement of elderly citizens in nursing facilities and the significant decline of their motor and intellectual skills over the ten months following placement. What the research has not made clear is the extent to which this marked decline is due to physical as opposed to emotional causes.

The elderly are referred to homes at that point in their lives when they grow less able to care for themselves - which suggests that the drop-off in skills may be due to physical causes.

But the emotional stress of being placed in a home, away from family and in an environment that confirms the patient's view of himself as decrepit, may exacerbate - if not itself be a primary essay of - the patient's rapid loss of abilities. Further research is needed to clarify the relationship between depression and particular physical ailments as these affect the skills of the elderly in nursing facilities.

There is little doubt that information yielded by such studies can enable health point professionals to deliver more effective services. Notice how this call for further study locates the author in a large community of researchers on whom she depends for assistance in answering the questions that have come out of her own work.

The author summarizes her findings in the first sentence of the paragraphstates what her work has not shown, and then extends her invitation. In such a case, it would be appropriate, after summarizing your discussion, to offer a solution based on the knowledge you've gained while conducting research.

If your solution is to be taken seriously, your knowledge must be amply demonstrated in the body of the paper. The major problem in college sports point is not commercialism - it is the exploitation of athletes and como hacer mi curriculum vitae online proliferation of illicit practices which dilute educational standards. Many universities are currently deriving substantial enumerations from sports programs that depend on the labor of athletes drawn from the poorest sections of America's essay.

It is the responsibility of educators, civil rights leaders, and concerned citizens to see that these young people get a fair return for their labor both in terms of direct remuneration and in terms of career preparation for a life outside sports.

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15:22 Menos:
First, Walker claimed that the burden of work was too great to be adequately performed by officials who were already "crowded to the limits of their time and strength by prior official duties.